Sunday, March 2, 2014

Essays every one hates them right?!?

Essay writing!!
Essays, everyone hates them right? Well so over my vacation not only was I writing my own story, I also had to write a persuasive essay on nature vs. nurture. Fun? That is what I thought. I really enjoy persuasive essays, because I have strong opinions I like to question and talk about views, problems, people, and society, and much, much more.  It's a gift and a curse, mostly a gift :). So when my language arts teacher said she was partnering up with my science teacher to write an essay I was like ok, I can do this I like persuasive essays. And I still do, but I learned some things over this writing essays. Don't just assume that something is easy, always try your hardest, and be willing to change. So to tell my story I need to explain the essay. The essay was about nature vs. nurture and what is a bigger impact on humans. I after a lot of research I came to the conclusion that nurture has the most impact.  So in in science we researched , and in language arts we wrote. I had done many persuasive essay in 5th grade, they would make us do them monthly on the spot to mark our progress.  Now or this essay we had about a week to write it. We were given all these articles about the subject. After we read them we ware given a paper that said this

Example paragraph using my evidence from this source:

The most important impact on a person's life is _____________________. In the source called, "________________________________" it states that ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This supports my claim because _______________________________________________________

So I was fine with doing this for the articles. It did not help me though. But then I was told that these should be used as our body paragraphs. I really don't like the structure of this. Its so basic no originality. I like to be original. She also gave us a packet that told us to do everything. I kinda did not follow the packet I did not just do the basic. 
Once I was finished I was so happy with myself I thought I did so great. I was ready to turn it in but, I always like to have someone check over my work to get feedback. The problem was the feedback I wanted was it is "perfect." I was so wanting to be done so when I had someone read it I was mad that it needed so many changes. I got frustrated at the person even though it was my work I was mad at. I WANTED TO BE DONE!!!!! I did understand what the person was saying and after blowing off some steam I took a deep breath and listened to the feedback. This made my essay ten times better, I was able to improve. This post is more about listening  to your feedback, and be able to change. It also shows that essays can bring out the best/worst in you.

Now this has nothing to do with the meaning of this post, but you 200 people who are viewing my blog, I want you to comment and subscribe. So you can receive my weekly posts!!!!
Also I had a new idea, I love reading books and I want all of you to give me suggestions and maybe I will review it on my blog. The best would be if there young adult (because the blog is about young adult reading and writing.) I would love for you to give me any ideas to blog about and I will say that you gave my the suggestion.
Thanks so much,
Aidyn Stevens 


  1. Oh, persuasive essays... you see even more of those in college English classes. But this is an interesting approach, this combination of Science and Language Arts class. From experience, I know that most scientists can't write worth beans, so fostering language and science skills together is an improvement. The people who have both skill-sets are also very valuable, resume-wise.

    I know what you mean about feedback--sometimes it isn't easy to hear. But as a writer you'll begin to hate it when someone tells you something is perfect as-is. After all, the givers of such feedback aren't helping you to make the piece even better! And besides, nothing is perfect anyways. As a writer, you'll have to learn when to STOP tinkering with a piece and just let it go....

    As for recommendations of YA novels, hmmm. Any YA novel by Charles de Lint is excellent. The Transall Saga by Gary Paulsen was interesting if you like genre fiction. I know I'm forgetting a lot of other good ones. I'll have to look back through my library.

    1. Thank you so much for the book suggestions. I am reading both of them right now. For Charles de Lint I am reading some place to be flying. Can't wait to read the end.
