Friday, February 21, 2014

Vacationing with your story.

They could be writing!!!!!!
So, this last week I was vacationing, it was great I had so much fun. The thing is I had so much trouble continually writing on my book. I mentioned in my introduction that I had started a book. The book is going to be a historical fiction novel based in 1900s during women's suffrage. My book is still in it beginning stages right now I am just writing not editing. When you still having a starting of a book, like a baby book you have to keep up your writing in it, you have to change it, feed it, love it, it makes it really hard to keep up with it. The best thing to do is write in it everyday. I know that is really hard, But when your book is a baby you have to keep up with it or you will lose interest. It becomes a continual cycle of I have better things to do, I don't want to do it, and excuses like that. Sure there are way more fun things that you could be doing on vacation, in my case skiing and playing in the snow. Not sticking to your plan may help you fall into a spiral of not writing.This is bad, you writing is good!!! Make writing on your vacation, (and anytime) fun and enjoyable.  I strongly suggest that you keep writing. I am sad to say I did not get a much writing in as I wanted to on my vacation and now I am behind. DON'T DO IT!! Find time for your writing so you can love your writing and your writing can love you.

Please comment and subscribe so you can read all of my posts, I am trying to blog every week.

For people who want to read more I suggest the reading this book about writing,

 Chapter after Chapter, by Heather Sellers. This book has some very good advice about loving your writing, taking care of your writing (on vacations too), and you book in the future.
Click here to see offer of Chapter after Chapter, and a quick review. Hope you like it!!!!

1 comment:

  1. You are the best lady <3 So proud of your determination!
    xo Moorea
