Sunday, February 9, 2014


As a young adult I am very interested in YA writing. You could say I am obsessed with reading. What I will be doing with this blog is talking about my experiences with YA writing. Unlike the average person I am trying to write my own Historical-fiction novel, and I'm blogging. In this blog I will be talking about my writing experience, books I enjoy, authors I adore, and just YA reading and writing. I really hope you enjoy this blog and all that is on it.
I love your comments and thought. Don't be shy! :)


  1. This is wonderful! I'm always pleased to see new and blossoming writers. If there's anything we writers love (besides writing), it's talking about writing with other writers and readers. I'm interested to see what books you come across and recommend, as I'm always looking for more good YA fiction to read (filling a gap in my life, lol).

    1. Thank you so much. I am glad to hear you like it.
